I’m sure you’ve heard it many times: a new year, a new you. As we come to the end of 2014, it’s time to start thinking about resolutions. No matter if you’re someone who sticks to your resolutions, someone who starts but doesn’t finish, or someone who doesn’t make any at all, take a look at this list of ideas for resolutions.
Health: Instead of making a generic goal like “lose weight” or “join a gym,” find a concrete goal that’s attainable and realistic. Your goal can be to lose weight, but make it a specific weight: I want to lose 15 pounds. Resolve to get up and walk around your office for five minutes every hour or to drink eight glasses of water each day. If you struggle with eating well, resolve to eat two servings of fruits and vegetables a day.
Wealth: If you are in debt, it might not be a bad time to make a resolution to start climbing out of it. Start small; make your morning cup of coffee at home instead of purchasing it at the coffee shop. Pack your own lunch instead of going out to eat every day. Add up what your cutbacks saved you in the first month.
Make a spending plan; there are some great tools online that can help you track your expenses and give you money saving tips.
Fun: Resolve to read a new book every month. Get into a new hobby, such as knitting, writing, painting, weight lifting, or gardening. Start saving for a vacation; it doesn’t have to be a two-week trip overseas, but maybe just a weekend trip a state away with your best friend or partner.
Charitable: “Pay it Forward,” whether it be paying for someone’s coffee, leaving a bigger tip at a restaurant, or mowing your neighbor’s yard. Maybe you donate your time at the humane society or the soup kitchen. Your charitable action doesn’t have to be big in order to have an effect on someone who needs a pick-me-up.
It’s up to you. Choose one resolution from the list, a few, or one from each category. Or, use the tips to come up with your own. The goal is for you to have a happier, healthier new year.
Remember that change, no matter how big or small, will take time. And it takes work. It will take both time and hard work to break old habits, so don’t get too upset at yourself if you stumble. Find yourself a support system: a friend or family member that you trust and that will motivate you to do your best.
Questions about this blog post? You can contact Reka by phone at 402-881-8125, by email at reka@omaha-counseling.com, or via Twitter or Facebook.
photo credit: Robert S. Donovan via photopin cc