Staying Sober When Traveling

Staying Sober When Traveling

For recovering alcoholics, traveling can feel like the ultimate test of sobriety. When traveling for business, get-togethers are often held at a bar or an events center with an open bar. When traveling for pleasure, it’s easy to see those fancy umbrella drinks or...
Learning to Take Care of Your Heart

Learning to Take Care of Your Heart

February is American Heart Month, and in a month where we also celebrate love, it’s important to look at how you are treating your heart. In an article by Doctor Tara Narula, she states that the same key factors we use in our personal relationships should also be used...
Affirm Your Body, Stop Body Shaming

Affirm Your Body, Stop Body Shaming

Next time you are watching a television show, pay attention to the commercials. How many do you see in a one hour time frame that tell you that you’d be happier if you changed your appearance in some way? Messages from the media (and from one another) often tell us...