How to Continue Life In Year One as a Widow

How to Continue Life In Year One as a Widow

Losing a spouse is one of the most devastating events a person can go through, and early widowhood can be a difficult and distressing time. The surviving partner is left to start a new life with a broken heart and often with few navigational tools. Lisa Kolb–a writer,...
How to Cope With the Loss of a Pet

How to Cope With the Loss of a Pet

For most people, pets are a major part of the family. They are there for every big life event and also the small, day to day activities. They’re around to comfort you when you’re sad or chase their tail when you need a laugh. Sometimes, we spend more of our time with...
Young Love & Young Divorce

Young Love & Young Divorce

There’s plenty of advice about marriage out there. Most couples know the facts about divorce, especially for younger couples tying the knot. The truth is that no one can know if a marriage will last a year, fifteen years, or a lifetime. However, there are a few...