When trying to find a marriage counselor, it’s important to find someone with whom you and your partner feel comfortable with. It is important that both partners click with the therapist.
A goal that you, your therapist, and your partner should all have is that the partners are able to work on getting what they want, whether it be saving the relationship or breaking it off amicably.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when deciding which therapist is right for you:
Referral: Ask your friends, doctor, co-workers, or attorney to recommend a marriage counselor. Some people don’t like to admit that they’ve seen to a marriage counselor, but if they’ve found one that worked well for them, it makes sense that they would refer you and encourage you to make an appointment.
Research: When you are looking into different therapists, ask about their work with couples. Ask the therapist what percentage of their practice consists of couples’ therapy. It will give you an idea on how much experience they have working with couples.
It’s important that your therapist has had the proper training to work with couples. It is a more intense therapy session when working with a couple than when it is an individual session. Your therapist should show equal loyalty to both partners, and each partner should feel that the therapist is understanding them. If the therapist doesn’t, you and your partner will feel it.
Meet with the therapist: After you’ve done this research, it’s important to meet with the therapist to know if he/she will work well for the both of you. You and your partner should both feel acknowledged and validated. You want to find the right fit. If one of you isn’t feeling it, perhaps the therapist isn’t the right fit. And that’s okay. You can always find someone else.
As with any therapy situation, each partner has to trust the therapist. Maybe the trust won’t come right away, but you have to feel that it will come eventually.
Someone who has been trained as a couples’ therapist is crucial in getting results for your relationship. Reka has experience in both couples and family therapy. If you want to talk with Reka about marriage counseling or have any questions for her, you can call 402-881-8125 or email her at reka@omaha-counseling.com. You can also get in touch via Twitter or Facebook.