Transitioning from two apartments into one is an exciting step for a relationship. It’s also a really big deal.

Before you move in with your significant other, make sure you spend some alone time to really think about it. If any questions arise, write them down so that the next time you are with your partner, you’ll be ready to talk.

When you sit down to discuss moving in together, here are a few major things to discuss:

  • Rent: Will you split the rent half and half? What if you earn a lot more than your partner? What if you pushed for the expensive place with the gym and pool that they never use? Talk about how you’re going to split the rent and bills before you sign anything.
  • Your Own Space: Regardless of how big or small your new place together will be, both of you need a space of your own. It’s easy to feel like you are suffocating when you and your partner are constantly together. Perhaps you have a small desk space in the entry way and your partner has a comfy reading chair in the bedroom. A relationship works best when each person is able to go to their separate spaces and recharge their batteries.
  • Why Are We Moving In Together? It might seem like a silly question, but it’s important for the longevity of your relationship. Is this a step that’s bringing the two of you closer to marriage? Or is it more for convenience? Many times women think that moving in means that he’s ready to pop the question; however, that’s not always the case. Before you move in with each other, make sure that you two are on the same page when it comes to marriage and your future.
  • Don’t Become Roommates: There will be nights that you will be sitting next to each other on the couch, each of you on your computer but not really paying attention to each other. The two of you might be together, but you aren’t connecting. Spend quality time together. Your partner deserves your love and respect. And don’t forget to spend intimate time together, too.
  • Your Relationship Will Change: When you live with someone 24/7, you are bound to notice some things about your partner that you hadn’t before. Maybe he’s messier than you anticipated. Maybe she doesn’t go to bed before two a.m. He won’t always smell good, and she won’t always want to put on makeup. Things will be different, and it will take some time to get used to each other. Are you ready?

If you’d like to set up a time to meet up with Reka, you can contact her by phone at 402-881-8125, by email at, or via Twitter or Facebook.

photo credit: 10805 W. 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado via photopin (license)